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Leading Through Challenging Times

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Leading Through Challenging Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every dimension of organizational leadership. In today’s world where more employees are working remotely, leaders may not know specifically where their team members are located at any given time. They no longer can see them start their day, know if they’re working late or even if they’re taking lunch breaks. Therefore, it can be difficult for leaders to gauge the mood of their teams through the same casual interactions they did pre-COVID. Given that many of the tools leaders used on a daily basis to support their teams are no longer available in a virtual world, the best leaders have learned to adapt to the challenge at hand.

Cigna’s Leading Through Challenging Times article explores how leaders can leverage honesty, empathy, trust and flexibility to empower their employees. This means giving employees the right support to meet their whole health needs – covering every aspect of their lives, from the physical and mental to the social and even the financial. Leaders have to be aware of the many factors that can impact employees’ total well-being, including those beyond what they are used to managing.

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